
Fraxir Community Guidelines

Last Updated: April 18, 2024

Welcome to the Fraxir community! We're excited to have you join our innovative educational platform. To ensure a positive and collaborative experience for all users, we have established the following Community Guidelines. By using our platform, you agree to adhere to these guidelines and contribute to a vibrant and engaging learning environment.

1. Respect and Inclusivity:
   - Treat all members of the Fraxir community with respect, kindness, and empathy. Embrace diversity and inclusivity in all interactions.
   - Avoid any form of discrimination, including but not limited to race, gender, religion, or sexual orientation.

2. Content Curation and Sharing:
   - Engage in responsible content curation by providing accurate and reliable information. Ensure that your curated modules align with the educational purpose of the platform.
   - Respect intellectual property rights and refrain from sharing copyrighted or pirated materials without proper authorization or licenses.

3. Collaborative Environment:
   - Embrace collaboration and constructive feedback within the Fraxir community. Encourage meaningful discussions and knowledge sharing among users.
   - Refrain from engaging in spamming, trolling, or any behavior that disrupts the learning experience of others.

4. User Safety and Privacy:
   - Protect the safety and privacy of fellow Fraxir users. Refrain from sharing personal information without explicit consent.
   - Report any instances of harassment, abuse, or inappropriate behavior to the platform administrators or moderators.

5. Compliance with Laws and Regulations:
   - Adhere to all applicable laws, regulations, and Fraxir's Terms of Service. Respect any additional guidelines or rules established for specific courses or learning programs.
   - Familiarize yourself with and respect any specific guidelines or rules established for individual courses or learning programs.

6. Responsible Advertising:
   - If you are an advertiser on Fraxir, ensure that your advertisements comply with relevant advertising regulations, are accurate, and do not mislead or deceive users.
   - Respect the preferences of users with regards to targeted advertising and data privacy.

Failure to comply with these Community Guidelines may result in warnings, temporary or permanent suspension of your account, or other appropriate actions as determined by the Fraxir platform administrators or moderators.
Please note that these Community Guidelines are subject to change. We may update them periodically to maintain a positive and safe community for all users. It is your responsibility to review and comply with the most recent version of these guidelines.
Thank you for being a valued member of the Fraxir community. Let's collaborate, learn, and grow together in an innovative and engaging educational environment!