powered by Metalympics

Find friends to achieve goals together

Earning good habits is difficult. But we may have found a better way: Together. Create your first Habit Camp and achieve your goal now!

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88% of attempts to change a daily habit fail

Exercise, Read, Study, Sleep... They are so overwhelming, and it's a lonely fight


First day of running


Struggle to be motivated


Quit challenge

All you need to find your habitmatesand change your life

  • Register your goal, and invite your friends by simply sharing a link! Check each other's daily progress, keep each other motivated, and level up your camp with collective efforts.
  • Bite-sized learning is a new trend! Learn useful tips from our habit coaches and experts in just a few minutes.
  • Do you need extra tools and food for your challenge? Check out featured products recommended by habit coaches and our partner brands that will help your journey of changing your lives.
  • Our analytics allows you to stay on track. Compare today with yesterday, and never lose your growth momentum!
  • Integrate your favorite health apps and devices, such as Apple Watch and Galaxy Watch, to automate your habit journey.
Fraxir Habit Camp

Get Inspired by Goals of Others

Check out the goals of other users on Fraxir. Join them on Camps, where you can check each other's progress.

Product Demo

Share Your Tips. Become an Influencer.

Are you confident with inspiring many others to change their lives? Be our Habit Coach! By becoming Habit Coach, you get an access to more features, where you can become a brand.

Product Demo


Frequently Asked Questions

  • Yes! You can download Fraxir for free forever.

  • Metalympics is a product-driven ecosystem that helps individuals be prepared and thrive in the next era. Empowered by technologies, such as AI and Web3, Metalympics provides a wide range of products that meet the needs of entrepreneurs, SMEs, and individuals. You can learn more here.

  • Habit Coach is our habit influencer that can open a camp with 100+ members and create microlearning modules. Please reach out to us over an email (info@fraxir.com) with your expertise and your ideas on how you can provide values to our users!

  • Currently, we support English.

  • Absolutely! Fraxir is a great tool to foster learning habits and learn new and exciting things in bite-sized lessons created by our experts. For further enquiries, please email us at info@fraxir.com

  • Absolutely! Fraxir provides an enterprise solution to foster positive habtis within your workplace. For further enquiries, please email us at info@fraxir.com

  • We are here to help. Please email us at info@fraxir.com


Set a Goal, Invite Others, and Change Your Life.

Download Fraxir now, and stand up to the challenge.