Let's Talk and Change the World Together.

If you have anything you want to talk about, don't hesitate to reach out to us.

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Let's Partner Up!

Fraxir is on so many exciting missions, and we are working with passionate organziations to change the world together! If you are a brand, a company, a school, or anyone interested in working with us, please don't hesitate to reach out.

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Frequently Asked Questions

  • Yes! You can download Fraxir for free forever.

  • Metalympics is a product-driven ecosystem that helps individuals be prepared and thrive in the next era. Empowered by technologies, such as AI and Web3, Metalympics provides a wide range of products that meet the needs of entrepreneurs, SMEs, and individuals. You can learn more here.

  • Habit Coach is our habit influencer that can open a camp with 100+ members and create microlearning modules. Please reach out to us over an email (info@fraxir.com) with your expertise and your ideas on how you can provide values to our users!

  • Currently, we support English.

  • Absolutely! Fraxir is a great tool to foster learning habits and learn new and exciting things in bite-sized lessons created by our experts. For further enquiries, please email us at info@fraxir.com

  • Absolutely! Fraxir provides an enterprise solution to foster positive habtis within your workplace. For further enquiries, please email us at info@fraxir.com

  • We are here to help. Please email us at info@fraxir.com


Set a Goal, Invite Others, and Change Your Life.

Download Fraxir now, and stand up to the challenge.